Cosmetics have been used for centuries to enhance one’s appearance. However, they don’t always have beautiful side effects. Improper use can lead to eye infections and irritation. Keep reading for some makeup tips to keep your eyes healthy.
Apply Carefully
The most common problems with applying eye makeup occurs when makeup gets into your eye. Abrasions and scratches can occur when the eye is accidentally stabbed with a mascara wand or eyelash separator. Avoid applying makeup in a moving vehicle, as this will increase the chances of injuring your eyes.
Allergic Reactions
If you have a history of sensitive skin or reactions to new products, take caution when introducing new makeup products to your routine. Allergic reactions to eye makeup can include watery eyes, itching or redness. If you find that you have a reaction to a new product, take note of the ingredients and avoid products containing those elements in the future.
Watch Your Contacts
If you wear contacts, use extra caution when applying makeup. It can be helpful for contact lens users to switch to daily lenses to ensure lenses are makeup and bacteria-free. Avoid any makeup products that can flake off, as this can lead to extra irritation. Consider cream eyeshadows and blushes, and invest in a high quality, long-lasting mascara.
Throw It Away
Eye makeup has a shorter shelf life than other makeup. Due to the possibility of mold, yeast or bacteria build up, the FDA recommends replacing mascara every two to four months. Here are the recommended lifespans of other eye cosmetics:
- Liquid eyeliner- 3 months
- Cream eyeshadow- 6 months
- Liquid face makeup- 6 months
- Pencil liner- 2 years
- Powder eyeshadow- 2 years
The FDA recommends purchasing products like foundation in pump bottles, as they are less likely to harbor bacteria.
Wash Your Hands
This may seem like common sense, but many people don’t realize how many bacteria live on their hands. If this bacteria is transferred to your eyes, it could lead to a serious infection. If you have an active infection, such as pink eye, throw away any makeup that comes in contact with your eyes. Also, be sure not to share makeup with another person, no matter how well you know them. Sharing makeup introduces new bacteria to your eyes that your body may not be able to fight off (leading to an infection).
Take It Off
One of the most important things to remember when wearing eye makeup is to take it off before bed. While it may be tempting to skip washing your face and take it off the next morning, leaving it on could lead to an allergic reaction or contact irritation. While sleeping, small particles of mascara can fall into the eye and irritate the thin skin on your eyelids.
If you are experiencing any eye irritation, or think you may have an eye infection, book an appointment with one of our doctors.