At Piedmont Eye Center, our wonderful staff plays a huge role in providing an excellent patient experience, and we love to introduce you to them. This month, we’d like you to meet our new Clinical Research Executive Director, Carla!
What is your role at Piedmont Eye Center?
I recently started a new position as the Executive Director of Clinical Research.
How long have you worked at Piedmont?
I have only been here 15 months but it has been such an exciting time for me. I have never worked in ophthalmology before and there is so much to learn.
What do you love most about your job?
I love that I have the opportunity to work with an amazing team of physicians and staff that want only the best for our patients.
What is one thing you wish every patient knew?
I would want them to know how important clinical research is for everyone. Only through research do we have opportunities to receive new or improved treatments for all medical conditions.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy spending time outside soaking in the beauty of everything around me. Taking time to listen to chirping birds, croaking frogs and all the wildlife that lives out my back door.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
I would definitely need a tote bag filled with office supplies including a journal. I know there would be lots of stories that need to be written. There must also be a packet of flower seeds in the pocket!
If money was not a concern what would you do every day if you didn’t work?
I would volunteer in my community! There are so many groups that need our help to make a difference in someone’s life.
If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would it be?
There is no way I could choose one person! I need all those that have had an impact in my life from past and present, living or dead, in body or spirit.
Coke or Pepsi? Coffee or tea?
All of them at times but water is my number one go to!
Do you have any words of advice to share?
Every day is your day! Begin it with a grateful heart and share a kind word to those that cross your path. Be the positive!