Our staff at Piedmont Eye Center are wonderful people, and they love getting to know our patients. Today, we’re introducing Katlyn.
What is your role at Piedmont Eye Center?
I am an ophthalmic assistant/scribe for Dr. Paauw. I also go to the ASC to assist Dr. Bowers with LenSx and to help with research.
How long have you worked at Piedmont?
If we’re not counting the six months I left to work night shift with my husband (newly married and we were on totally opposite schedules and never got to see each other which was obviously not ideal), then five years.
What do you love most about your job?
I really enjoy seeing outcomes of vision after cataract surgery. It’s so rewarding to have a patient go from legally blind to 20/20 vision. I also love when the patients come in for their one day post-op appointment and tell me, “You were right. It doesn’t hurt.”
What is one thing you wish every patient knew?
As someone that works in the healthcare field, while I cannot speak for everyone that does, please know that we always have your best interests in mind. We strive for excellence and want to keep patients as happy as possible. I always come to work giving 110% because I know that nobody wants to spend their day at a doctor’s office, so I always consider the patients’ feelings above all else.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love to go antiquing. I also love fishing with my husband as well enjoying good company with friends and family.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
A boat.
If money was not a concern what would you do every day if you didn’t work?
Travel the country with my husband while he fishes professionally.
If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would it be?
My Nanny.
Coke or Pepsi? Coffee or tea?
Coke and tea—but only if it’s sweet tea- of course.
Do you have any words of advice to share?
Live each day to the fullest sounds so cliché, but honestly, it’s so true. After working in healthcare for over 10 years, you never know how good you have it until you meet someone who’s had it so much worse. And never judge someone without knowing their story.