At Piedmont Eye Center, we’re glad we have the privilege of serving Lynchburg and Central Virginia with eye care services. Everything we do is made possible by our caring staff, and today we’re going to introduce you to Susan!
1. What is your role at Piedmont Eye Center?
I’m a Certified Clinical Research Coordinator.
2. How long have you worked at Piedmont?
Almost three years!
3. What do you love most about your job?
I love interacting with my patients. I see most of my patients on a monthly basis, so I get to know them very well, and they get to know me well, too.
4. What is one thing you wish every patient knew?
My research patients are why I come to work because without them I can’t do my job. They are the most important part of my job.
5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy reading a good book, visiting family and friends, and shopping online.
6. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
My purse!
7. If money was not a concern, what would you do every day if you didn’t work?
Even if money wasn’t a problem, I would still work part-time. When I wasn’t working, I would travel and try to see all 50 states.
8. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would it be?
It would have to be my sister, Lisa, who passed away in 2016. I miss her a lot!
9. Coke or Pepsi? Coffee or Tea?
Coke and coffee!
10. Do you have any words of advice to share?
Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you.
If you’re interested in making an appointment with Piedmont Eye Center, contact us today!