Halloween is often a favorite night of the year, both for adults and children alike. However, the wrong costume application can lead to scary results- particularly for eye safety.
Halloween Make-up
Halloween make-up can bring a simple costume to another level… but choosing the wrong makeup can be hazardous to your eyes.
When choosing make-up, be sure to pay attention to the ingredients. Metallic pigments and color additives might cause irritation to your skin and eyes. If you are unsure about allergies, patch testing a small area in advance would be best before attempting a broad application.
Don’t use glitter. The ingredients of cosmetic glitter are not toxic, but can migrate onto the surface of the eye if used near the eyelids. Non-cosmetic glitter, such as craft glitter, may contain glass or metal particles and should NEVER be used for cosmetic purposes.
It is best to avoid applying products inside the eyelash line. Avoiding this can decrease irritation and dryness. Eyelids and the eye surface are more likely to have a reaction than skin elsewhere on the body.
Halloween Masks
While masks can be super fun, they can also be a safety hazard when not worn correctly. Masks and hoods can block vision and present tripping hazards, especially in dim light and at night. Loss of depth perception can increase risk of injury. It may be better to only wear a mask for photos or when standing still.
Halloween Contact Lenses
Let’s be clear here. Contact lenses are medical devices and should only be used with a prescription and a consultation with an eye doctor. We know contact lenses can enhance your costume, but it is not worth possible issues that can result:
- Corneal ulcer
- Eye Infections
- Allergic reactions
- Scratches to the cornea
- In rare cases, loss or decrease of vision
Avoid purchasing costume contacts from websites or stores that do not require a prescription. And never share contact lenses with others.
If you experience any redness, irritation or decrease in vision reach out to your eye care provider. Have fun and be safe this Halloween!